Sunday, September 18, 2011

Large metal letters and other important obsessions

I have a few obsessions. They are somewhat random but they all make sense to me.

Saturday morning I went to my local Farmer's Market. I haven't been in a while, but I was craving some of their offerings...and the dairy products you get at the F.M. can't be beat. On my way home I decided to get off the highway and take the neighborhood streets home. In a random parking lot I could see that some kind of art show was being set up. As I glanced over, I saw them... I couldn't breathe... I had to have them.

Leaning against the wall were these huge letters. The letters M and K were both metal and the A and E were made of wood. (spelling MAKE).  Each letter was approximately 4 feet tall and 3 feet wide. They were magnificent!

The logical part of my brain told me that I had dairy products from the Farmer's Market that needed to get to the I couldn't stop. It just wasn't practical to allow Farmer's Market priced milk to go bad while perusing the art show.
What I love is that the logical part of my brain said NOTHING about the fact that I have NO reason and/or space in my home for these beautiful useless letters... Nope...only the groceries kept me from pulling into the parking lot.

After arriving home and unloading my Farmer's Market goods, I decided I "needed" to go to the bookstore. I really never need to go to the bookstore. I generally go because, for some reason, walking around the bookstore for a good chunk of time makes me feel good.  As I was on my way to the bookstore I noticed that I was traveling in the opposite direction of said store... I was heading toward that parking lot that held the letters that were meant to be mine. I guess I was subconsciously obsessing about the letters. obsessing.

I pulled into the lot.
I walked around looking at the other art, as not to show my excitement for the letters.... You never want to look too eager to purchase art.
I stealthily walked towards them trying to act disinterested.

They were stunning. They were awesome. They cost TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS. yes. $2000 for 2 metal and 2 wooden letters. Seriously??

I can be disgusted by the high price tag... since I don't have a cool $2000 burning a hole in my pocket.
Because I know think if I did, I would have been loading up my 2002 Ford Explorer with these fantastic letters without batting an eye. yes. seriously.

Instead I had to settle for a photograph of the M. The letters were too far apart to get them all in one photo...and since I wasn't going to buy anything and the guy working there was looking at me suspiciously (possibly because I gasped loudly at the price and the began quietly weeping when I realized the letters weren't coming home with me) I quickly snapped a photo and left.

Here she all of her glory, the letter M:

I guess I will just have to continue to dream. Maybe one day I will have extra-large useless letters in my home. (I currently own a small metal E and a small letter Q...they are only about a foot-and-a half tall. Small beans compared to these monsters.)

I left the parking lot, blotting my tears as I drove away and onto the bookstore where my next 3 obsessions can be found. These next three items can also be what spurs a new phase, or can be part of a phase.

They are Journals, Calendars & Books.

 It is rare that I ever leave a bookstore in less than an hour. Today's adventure was about an hour and-a-half long. Not a record...but I have some other things to accomplish I was on a time crunch.

Since it is September they have all of the calendars out on display. I walk by the display.

I think to myself: "I have an IPhone that has a great calendar that can hold all of my work obligations as well as my personal plans. I don't need a paper calendar." I high-five myself (in my head...because high-fiving yourself in public leads to sideways glances and whispering by others.)

Since I knew I had tons of willpower today I head over to journal section. Whoever said I wasn't a glutton for punishment doesn't know me very well.

I think to myself "You have approximately 10 journals at home. You don't EVER write in them."

At this point I am telling myself to quit rationalizing all of my desired purchases...but I know I am right to stop myself. If not, I would end up with another journal I don't use and a calendar that ends up being twice the work since I would have to write in all of the stuff from my IPhone calendar so I don't forget anything. It makes logical sense...but for some reason I always find myself wanting these things.

I know that part of it is that the paper calendar doesn't really work for me right now. My job is one that all of my appointments are done via email/outlook and I have to be able to access my calendar quickly. Lugging around a paper calendar isn't practical.

As for the journaling... I've wanted to be someone who journals, but my handwriting can get sloppy and journaling isn't really meant to be edited. I like to edit. I think that is also why journaling

I walk away from the calendar and journals empty-handed. It was a small personal victory.  Yay Me!

As I finish up my bookstore adventure, I run across three books that "need" to come home with me. They are:

My purchases actually made me laugh a little. Finish This Book in some ways is forced journaling. It is in workbook style and it also includes whimsical tasks to complete. Since my track record in following through with journaling is an epic fail, maybe this format will help move me along.

thx thx thx is also somewhat aligned with my journaling obsession. This book is filled with little thank-you notes the author wrote to everyday things in her life. It is brilliant! It also falls into my current phase of trying to have more gratitude (which is aligned with  my desire to be more "mindful"). The book itself takes 30 minutes to read, but it will be one of those treasures that stays out on the coffee table to remind me that there is a lot to be thankful for. Which is A WHOLE lot! I also might try her method in being thankful. It's quick, simple and pretty awesome.

Lastly, (insert justification here) I just really like Malcolm Gladwell's books. This purchase made some sense. I like the author and it seems like it will be an easy read.

Honestly, it really doesn't make much sense. I don't need another book. I probably have 40 books here at home that I have yet to read....


Maybe I'll make a list, I LOVE a list... a list of the unread books in my house. Then I NEED to buy the paper calendar so that I can organize my time to get all of the unread books read. And THEN I need to purchase that journal so I can write about all of the books I read in the next year, as well as ideas I get from the books. Plus, I didn't spend $2000 on the metal and wooden a little calendar and journal are such minor purchases.

Yep...that is how my brain works. I have a pretty amazing justification process. The likelihood of a future calendar purchase is pretty-much guaranteed.  As for the journal, I am getting my "journal fix" through blogging. Luckily blogging doesn't cost anything....and it allows me to edit. :-)

Happy Sunday!

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